As the ancient ritual begins, a woman awakens, leaving behind her old life.

Reborn into a new skin, she ventures out guided by a snake, she's free from all doubt.
Her fashion becomes her skin, a reflection of her soul. Blending with nature, she feels in control.

Changing her skin with each rebirth, living many lives, full of worth.

In the circle of life, she finds her place, coexisting with her past, with grace, and with pace.

Her spirit bold, her journey unbound. Living many lives, endlessly profound.

Directed & Created by Diego Diapolo made possible with the amazing crew of Playful digital collective Nacho Velasco, Naty Lara Twisted Mountain Animation. Kinetic logos by @maks.fede Creative lead by Pablo Alfieri


A Zodiac Agent falls, tumbling through the air, a free fall, with no safety net to spare. The wind roars in her ears, as she spins and twirls, her body weightless, her mind in a swirl. As she tumbles through the sky, she blends with nature, with no need to try. Camouflaged with a beetle, her companion true, she surrenders to the moment, letting go of her pride.

The sun's rays shine down upon her, a brilliant light, a heavenly blur, and as she lands, she knows it's true. Nature's call, she must follow through.
For in her dream, she found the way to let go, to fall, to find her way, to blend with nature, to become one, A journey that has just begun.

Directed by Mariano Abel with the amazing crew of Playful digital collective Thais_altes, Alex Levinton, Nacho Velasco, Naty Lara, Twisted Mountain Animation, kinetic logos by Maks Fede, original soundtrack by Nick shotkowski. Creative lead of Pablo Alfieri


Curiosity filled her heart and mind, as she dropped her parachutes, leaving all behind. Free to explore, run, jump, and climb the wonders of this land. Her body moved with a dancer's flow through this landscape, she knew in her soul, without a doubt, that she would never stop.

She found a new kind of freedom, a new kind of flight, and as she soared through the air, she knew this adventure was beyond compare.

She knew that in this place, true magic could be found.

Directed by Alex Levinton & Pablo Alfieri, made possible with the amazing crew of Playful digital collective Thais Altes, Nacho Velasco, Naty Lara, kinetic logos by Maks Fede Original soundtrack by Nick Shotkowski. Creative lead of PAblo Alfieri


She dashed through the woods, heart beating fast, hiding and seeking from shadows of her past, and she followed the clues, with glee, until she found Arcadia, a city to discover.

A world where reality and dreams adjourn, the magic of Arcadia drew her in, and she knew this was where her journey would begin.

Lost in Arcadia, she found a place where imagination knows no bounds.

Directed by Macs Riedel, made possible with the amazing crew of Playful digital collective Juan Coria, Nacho Velasco, Alex Levinton, Naty Lara, kinetic logos by Maks Fede Original soundtrack by Nick Shotkowski. Creative lead of Pablo Alfieri


She took the leap, a risk she was willing to try, two opposite selves, both true, in a cosmic dance. Two complementary forces that are interconnected, she recognized her truths and accepted the way. 

She found the infinite possibilities inside her, collapsing to be just one in perfect balance, at last in harmony.

Directed by Fede Kanno, made possible with the amazing crew of Playful digital collective Macs Riedel, Nacho Velasco, Alex Levinton, Naty Lara, kinetic logos by Maks Fede Original soundtrack by Nick Shotkowski. Creative lead of Pablo Alfieri